Wednesday 27 January 2010

Hey there !

Hey there ! Did you know that I love you ? Did you ? Did yooouuu ?
Did you know that I really care to you ? Did you ? Did youu ?
Did you know how panic I am when you get sick ? Did yoooouu ?
Did you know how it feels when you show up your sweetest smile ? It's feel like I'm really gonna hug you that time ! If I can't control myself maybe that thing will be happen .
Did you know that I'm always watching you wherever you go and whatever you do ? (okaay . This listen like a pshyco haha)
Did you know ?
Did you know ?
gue rasa lu gak tau apa2 .
I don't need anything more . I'm just happy with my life right now .
thanx for being my friend . Thanx for listening all of my story .
I love you .
God bless you and thank you . :)

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