Saturday 30 January 2010

hell-o !!
bwt semua yang ngerasa JARAAAAAANG bnget dapetin apa yang lu mau you should read this ! karna blogger ini sekarang sdnag merasa seperti itu . -__-"

adakah yang pernah ngerasain gak pernaaah ngerasain yang kalian mau ?
kalau pun pernah itu bklan JARAAAAANNNGG ! bnget terjadi .
I'm the one !!
kalian pernah pengen "something" tp "something" itu malah di ambil ama orang lain ! dan seenak jidatnya mereka memamerkan "something" itu dpn kita ? I'M THE ONE !
you know guys ? that's really hurt ! and TOTALLY HURT !
klo udh kaya bgni gue bkalan harus tetap berusaha cheerfull, smile ,and shows the world that "HELL-OW GUYS ! NOTHING HAPPEN TO ME OKAAY ?"
I hate thiss !
kapan gue bisa SHOW MY OWN FEELING !
klo gue bisa gue mau teriak sekenceng-kencengnya !
let all my feelings out ! or maybe gue pngen robek, gue benyek2. pokoknya gue ancurin "something" yang gue pengen itu jadinya gue gak ad alasan lagi buat merana !
ah SH*T !
WTF !!!

why should me !!
GUE SERING bnget ngerasaain bgni !
knpa gak orang lain ajah sih yang di kasih biar mereka ngerasa jugaa ! HELLO !! I want to be happy also with "something" that I really LOVE !
when I can got that "something" ?
I know I'm not perfect ! really not perfect ! But everybody punya hak ! to get what they waaanntt !!!
huhuhu .
I'm down to the deepest earth surface !
he's the one who make me fly and he's the one who can only make me fall into my deepest sadness !
thanx to him !
I can't really hate you cause I love you !
you know what I feel right now ?
I want to slap your fu*king FACE with MY OWN HANDS !!!
I really want to hate you if I can !
hey !
thnx for all dude !
thank you so much !
I LOVE YOU ALREADY ! do you happy with that ? it's enough for you to see me DYING over here ? ENOUGH ? ENOOOUUGGGHHH !
Hheeeyyy ! gimme back my hearts that you stole from me !
huhuhu !
gimme back my heart please !
gimme back !

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Hey there !

Hey there ! Did you know that I love you ? Did you ? Did yooouuu ?
Did you know that I really care to you ? Did you ? Did youu ?
Did you know how panic I am when you get sick ? Did yoooouu ?
Did you know how it feels when you show up your sweetest smile ? It's feel like I'm really gonna hug you that time ! If I can't control myself maybe that thing will be happen .
Did you know that I'm always watching you wherever you go and whatever you do ? (okaay . This listen like a pshyco haha)
Did you know ?
Did you know ?
gue rasa lu gak tau apa2 .
I don't need anything more . I'm just happy with my life right now .
thanx for being my friend . Thanx for listening all of my story .
I love you .
God bless you and thank you . :)

Friday 22 January 2010

Heeeiiihhhooo !
What's up ?
This my 3rd post from my handphone ! Nyahahaha .
Okeey !
So ! How's ur guys life so far ?
I'm good .
And thank God for it .
Yeaah . Honestly, I don't know what should I post here . Nyahaha .
My life going so fun so far .
I like my life and I don't want to change it with everything . Thank God so much .

Gw skrng lg di kamar asrma abis pemotretan bwt buku Tahunannya kakak kls 12 . And I don't know mw ngpain skrng . Should I sleep ? Jam sgnii ?? Slleeep ? Mw jadi apaaaa ?
Lg dngerin lagi You're really the one-nya Shania Twain .

Anyway ! Thank you so much bwt yg ngedoain gw bwt nglwatin mslsh2 gw sbelumnya .
Haha .
I'm free !!? And happy ! Thak you yaaa ! You guys the best!
I love you .
God bless You .
Keep smiling .
I heart you ! :*

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Morning everyone !
Nyaah !
Ini adlh postingan gw yg kedua yg gw post via handphone !! Nyahahaha ! Gue emang pintarr ! Rawr !

Okey ! My feeling better now . Sbnrnya sih dr hari Senin kmren . Tp Selasa adlah puncaknya ! Nyahahaha !!

Gue hari ini tugas ngibarin bndera dan penurunan bndera !!
Gue latihan baru sekali kmren dan hari ini gue tugasnya ! Zzz . Tugas ini tugas yg pling bkin gue merindiingg ! Tadi gue dah ngibar . Dan belum bisa di bilang bgus walupun gak ancuurr . Aduhh . Gue takut parah buat penurunaann ! Masalahnya penurunan di tonton bnyak orang ! And you know what ! hari ini di sekolah gue ada sparring ! Dan otomatis ! Sekolah yg ngelawan skolah saprring ini jg akan ikuuttt penurunan bndera ! Aarrgghh ! Gue stress paraaahh !
Pray for me ya guyss ! Grrr ..

God Bless You !
and be a miracle . ;)
See ya . Lov ya all . :*

Sunday 10 January 2010


new year bgni postingan gue lgsg ngomel2 mulu yak ?
hahaha .
okeh . sekrang gue mnta maaf yeh my bloog !
and ..
hope this year will be better than last year .
anyway, karna hari ini tanggal bagus . gue sengajain buat nge-posting .
walaupun gue tau akibatnya adalah isi postingan yang gak bermutu . (dan emang postingan gue dr awal gue bikin blog ini juga gak ad yg brmutu .) HAHAHAHAHA !
Bak to topic .
topic apa ?
oh ya . NEW YEAR !
New Year pd liburan kmnaaa ?
sekolah gue udh masuk dr Hari Senin kemaren !!
dan gue bkalan bner2 dendam kesumaat ! sama anak2 yg masuk sekolahnya baru besookk !
jangan mentang2 beda sekolah, beda aturan doonk . jadi MT begitu !
kita kan satu negara, satu tanah air, satu kepemimpinan dan satu undang-undang ! jadi gak boleh MT ! ya kaan ?
ya kan ?
yaaa kaaannn ??

oke .
ehem .
tuh kan gak jelas lagi .
nyahahahahaha !

anyway, kemaren ad yg nntn Global TV gak malem2 ?
Filmnya keren paraaaaahhh looohhh !
aiihhh ..
gue terinspirasi bngeet sama film itu !
gue gak tw judulnya apaan ! haha . abis gak di taro gituu di filmnya .
zzz .
payah editornya ! wkwk .
pas gue tanya temen gue , menurut tmen gue judul filmnya tuh "evan almighty"
ada yg udh prnh nntn ?
hahahaha ..
and quote keren bgt dr film itu .
if you want a miracle . be a miracle .
haha .

off guys .
love ya all !
God Bless you .
and be a miracle !
see ya ! ;)

Saturday 9 January 2010

when everything change suddenly it makes my life worst

dr 2 hari yg lalu ampe sekarang keadaan gue tidak membaik .
bodo amat mw di rumah, sekolah, asrama, gak ada efeknya .
padahal gue bener2 berharap dgn pulangnya gue ke rumah . gue bisa refresh all mind yg bikin gue stress ..

Last Wedenesday was ur last smile that you give to me.
last Wednesday was your last jokes that you give to me .
Last wednesday was my last day that I can smile honestly .
I need to share all my pain !
and the one who I want to share with is the one yg punya problem sama gue skrang .
Gue benci mesti bner2 kuat di depan semua oraang !
gue benci mesti selalu kelihtan ceriaa !
I wanna cry out loud, if I can !
gue pengeen bngeeet numpahin semuanya ! tp gak bisaaaa !
gue pngen ngeluarin semuanya ! jadinya stlah itu gue bisa jalanin hidup gue like usually .

All I want is everything gonna be back before this problem happen .
I happy with my life.
don't change please . I likeyou as you are ! I miss you !

seems like baru kmren gue posting tntg btpa snengnya gue sama my classmates .
heem .
emang no one knows what gonna be happen tomorrow .
even peramal pun bakalan salah . If God change it suddenly . and I thought itu yg lagi di lakukan Tuhan sekrang .
everything change suddenly, and I can't predict it before .
everything change suddenly before I prepare all things that I really need .
everything that change suddenly really make me fall down into the deepest earth surface .
I'm down . really down .
all this changing make me down .
I'm not in the mood for doing anything this day !
If I can I would spend my day in my room ! until everything goes better ..

when I saw you, my heart hurt by you ! by your attitude ! by everything that you do !
thnx for everything dude .
I still patient to wait you change to your old .
anyway, thnx for all de memories. for all laugh, jokes, and smile .
I'm still hope you come back .
God Bless You .

Friday 8 January 2010

hei !
Guyss !
You know ! Gue skrng gak dalam keadaan yg baiikk !
Gue benci kaya ginii ! Gue bencii !!!
Gue nge-post pake hape ! And it's my first timee !! Isn't good ?? Hahahaha ..
Can I share here ? Ya boleh laahh ! org ini blog guee !! Mauu apa lo ? Haahh ? :D

Gue bencii bngeeett !
Guee pngeen nangis rasaanyaaa !!
Guee bencii bngeeett situasi kayak ginii !! Posisi kaya giniii !!

Lo prnahh di situasi like no one beside youu ! Pdhl saat2 ini lo lg bner2 btuuh tmeen sharee ? Gue pernahh ! Dan itu posisi gue skrng !
Dann itu bner2 gaaakk enaak ! Gue benci bngeett ! Gue gak ngertii !!
Lo pernah ngerasainn gaaakk ?
Enggaakk kaann !

Arrggghh !
Gue bencii bngeeeetttt !!
Gue bencii harus kaya giniii !
Gue benci bngeet jadii ribeeett !

Udh ah !
Ntar gw jadi ngamuk2 sdri ke blog guee .
Ntar dy ngambek lg . Hahaha .
Bye .
Keep smile oke ?
And thnx for listening ! :)