Thursday 13 May 2010


Hei :)
Gw posting via my lovely mobile phone in the middle of the rain, and this fucking thunder storm.

I hate thunder storm ever !
Gw td lg asik2 nonton dan dgn hebat, keras, bangganya petir menyambar yang bunyinya really make me jump. And that's make me to turn off my television and now I don't know what I,m gonna do now.
F you thunder ! F ! -,-"

Anyway, hari ini hari libur dan bsok gw mrencnakan utk meliburkan diri. Hahaha. How's your guys holiday. I hope it's gonna be good. :)

Huft, I hope he still remember me and time when we going pass through it several months ago. I haven't falling in love with you yet. But you already feel my day. Hmm thank you ya. We walk on our own way, God bless you and I miss you :*

Udh dulu deh ya. eh anyway, radit sama sherina putus ! So bad. Pdhl gw dukung bgt radith sama sherina. Maybe, that's the best for them just like me. :)

I hate this thunder storm !
Going to find another thing to do.
tmen gue lg di Bali ! Sial bgt emang ! Happy for them.
"if you want a miracle, be a miracle"
Okay I really have to stop this.
Bye guys ! Love ya ! Gbu

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