Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Soo guyyss. Here it is.
Dan dugaan gw bneer. I just hate love you knoooww ! It will end like this. So SUCKS !

Di saat gw sdang belajar to understand and try to enjoy the situation that he made.
He just go ! I don't know where and why. Dy pergi. Pergi gak tw kmna. Without permission. And NO CONTACT !
You know ? It's just hurt me a lot.

Lo hrs tau rasanya di saat hari2 lu mulai brisi dgan sms2 yg slalu datang dan menemani keseharian lo. And suddenly it's stop and not come again.
Gw gak tw apa yg salah atau gw emang salah tp gw gak tw.
Yg gw tw he just go and didn't tell me the reason.

Di saat gw anggap yg ini beda. Tp nyatanya sama aja and end like before with tears. *sigh*
Well He has to know how it hurts me a lot. Atau the boys harus selalu ber-attitude kayak gitu ? -,-

I'll try to find him. And yes. I found him. But he just acts like nothing happen before.
GOSH ! why they always act like that ?!! It just make me want to scream out loud in front if their face.

Bwt yg brsangkutan seandainya dy baca "kakak tw ? Keadaan apa yg kakak bwt skrng ? Can you just tell me my fault ? It's really disturbing me. :'("

Well he has to know. I just learn. Gw msh hrs bljr utk tingkat yg kaya gini. Dan trnyata sblum gw lulus pembelajaran itupun udah selesai.
Well, thank you so much ya kak for these weeks. God Bless You :'(

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