Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Soo guyyss. Here it is.
Dan dugaan gw bneer. I just hate love you knoooww ! It will end like this. So SUCKS !

Di saat gw sdang belajar to understand and try to enjoy the situation that he made.
He just go ! I don't know where and why. Dy pergi. Pergi gak tw kmna. Without permission. And NO CONTACT !
You know ? It's just hurt me a lot.

Lo hrs tau rasanya di saat hari2 lu mulai brisi dgan sms2 yg slalu datang dan menemani keseharian lo. And suddenly it's stop and not come again.
Gw gak tw apa yg salah atau gw emang salah tp gw gak tw.
Yg gw tw he just go and didn't tell me the reason.

Di saat gw anggap yg ini beda. Tp nyatanya sama aja and end like before with tears. *sigh*
Well He has to know how it hurts me a lot. Atau the boys harus selalu ber-attitude kayak gitu ? -,-

I'll try to find him. And yes. I found him. But he just acts like nothing happen before.
GOSH ! why they always act like that ?!! It just make me want to scream out loud in front if their face.

Bwt yg brsangkutan seandainya dy baca "kakak tw ? Keadaan apa yg kakak bwt skrng ? Can you just tell me my fault ? It's really disturbing me. :'("

Well he has to know. I just learn. Gw msh hrs bljr utk tingkat yg kaya gini. Dan trnyata sblum gw lulus pembelajaran itupun udah selesai.
Well, thank you so much ya kak for these weeks. God Bless You :'(

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Here it is ! The time when I start learn how to love . Suddenly it was gone .
Can you ever imagine ?
Fortunately it was the beginning and doesn't hurt so deep . Thank you for leave me disaat ini semua blm terlalu dalaam .

The time when I try to open my heart again for another love . That love gone and (maybe) never come back .

Well, I thought better me close my heart first and let it all heal first .
Thank you for all
Thank you already put a smile on my face this several days .
Good Bye . God Bless you . :)

Saturday, 13 March 2010

I'm bored !
makanya gue balik sama Blog gw tercinta ini !
haha . jahat ya gue ? and YES ! that's me ! klo gw gak jahat don't ever call my name !
mhuaahahaha ! >:D
oke back to topic ! adn topicnya tuh apa ya ? . wait ! kita blm nentuin topic yaa ?
yaahh gak ush pake topic kali yaa .
just read it or leave it :p

hmm . hmm . ngmngin apa yaa ?
bnguung ! -,-
well, gue lagi liburan ! and it's a week already ! dan masih tersisa 2 hari liburan gue ! bahagia gak sih jadi guee ? HAHAHAHA !
tmen2 gue pada tau kmna liburannya .
and gue ! GUE MEEENN ! di rmh aja . duduk dpn komputer ALL DAAYY ! SHUT UP ! gue tau ini mengenaskan ! mengenaskan B A N G E T ! ! !
soo Guys ? ad yg butuh tmen jalan2 ? gue MAUU ! tapi dgn syarat jemput gue, bayarin gue, terus anterin gue pulang ke rumah ! :P haha . enggak canda .

gue lagi nungguin ade gue, dan menunggu sore .
mau main bulutangkis dpan rumaah !
lumayan buat nurunin berat badan selama liburan *sigh*
OH YAA ! gue blom cerita yaa ? wktu itu berat guee ! 52 KG !!
well, parah abis emang ! dan nyokap gue ! dari hari pertama ujiaan ! and sampai 3 hari berikutnya . dy terus2an bilaang "kaak, kamu kurangin donk jatah makan kamu." "kamu ntar klo udh gede baru genduut loh ." daan klo gue lg ngmbil mknan lagi pdahal 1 jam yg lalu gue baru makan nasi dy bilang "kamu makan lagi ? ckck ." *sigh*
yak dan akhirnya . gue pun menyeraah . dan mulai belajar mengurangi porsi makanan pas liburan . dan semoga gak batal juga pas masuk asrama ntaar (AMIIINN!)

and GUYS ! ad yang tau knpa udara panas bngeet ? apa matahari udah beranak-pinak skrang yaah ? atau emang neraka lagi bocor ? panas bnget sumpaah .
gue mau ke mall ah nyari lemari es yang ad laptopnya . jadinya gue OL dr lemari Es aja :p

oke sumpah ini panas bnget . udah dulu ya .
mau masuk ke kulkas dulu ..
bye !
and good luck with your holiday okeey ? ;)
take care ! :*

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

I hate to be falling in love

you know what ?
things that I really scare the most is falling in love ,
I just scared falling in love .
takut untuk sakit lagi . takut untuk kecewa lagi . dan takuut untuk jatuuh lagi .
gue takuuuttt , takuuut bngeett ,
takuuut saat gue lagi percayanya dia pergi dan menghancurkan semuanyaa .
di saaat gue lagi sayang2nya he will go and never come back . and he will leave me alone here . with cry and hurts .
gue takuuuutt . dia suatu hari bakalan pergii . and leaves me with my broken heart .

Love really sucks !
I just hate to be falling in love ! I hate when they will leave you ! just leave it dan beranggapan kalo gak ada apa2 yang terjadi sebelumnya antara kita ! I just want to slap their face ! segampang itu kah mereka bertingkah seperti itu ?

gue disini terdampar dalam dilema .
should I be falling in love again or just close my heart for awhile and let the pain from the past healed first .
well, gue disini gak menyalahkan salah satu gender . karna cewe juga ad yang sok jago bertingkah like a player ! and saat cewe ini jatuh ntar itu bakalan sakiit .

this life is sucks . why we should have love ?
love sucks . Me hate it so much . it will make you happy and laugh and at the same time it will make you cry and hurts .

hey boys ! can you just be faithfull to one girl for the long time ? is this your thank you for them that growing you up ? you should think how it feel klo hal yang SAMA menimpa kakak, adek, atau nyokap lo sendiri ?

Love sucks ! today they will make us happy, laugh, and smile all time. and tomorrow they will make you cry, painfull, and hurt .

I don't know what happen to me .
But me , already tired for all this lovesicks !
every time I fall, dissapointed and broken , I will always stand up again with my friend that always support me. but now ! I really wish . please earth let me love someone that also love me and now without dissapointed and broken again .
and please all this sick kasih ke orang lain aja !
biar mereka bisa menghargai sekaliii aja ! menghargai klo cinta itu sgat berharga . biar mereka bisa tau kalo hati itu gak bisa dimainin seenaknya aja like they play football .

I am dying .
why THEM ! can do this ? and I can't never hate them !
I really want to slap their face ! so then mreka bakal menghargai klo KITAA ! gak kaya pajangan yang bisa di samperiin kapan aja !