Saturday, 9 January 2010

when everything change suddenly it makes my life worst

dr 2 hari yg lalu ampe sekarang keadaan gue tidak membaik .
bodo amat mw di rumah, sekolah, asrama, gak ada efeknya .
padahal gue bener2 berharap dgn pulangnya gue ke rumah . gue bisa refresh all mind yg bikin gue stress ..

Last Wedenesday was ur last smile that you give to me.
last Wednesday was your last jokes that you give to me .
Last wednesday was my last day that I can smile honestly .
I need to share all my pain !
and the one who I want to share with is the one yg punya problem sama gue skrang .
Gue benci mesti bner2 kuat di depan semua oraang !
gue benci mesti selalu kelihtan ceriaa !
I wanna cry out loud, if I can !
gue pengeen bngeeet numpahin semuanya ! tp gak bisaaaa !
gue pngen ngeluarin semuanya ! jadinya stlah itu gue bisa jalanin hidup gue like usually .

All I want is everything gonna be back before this problem happen .
I happy with my life.
don't change please . I likeyou as you are ! I miss you !

seems like baru kmren gue posting tntg btpa snengnya gue sama my classmates .
heem .
emang no one knows what gonna be happen tomorrow .
even peramal pun bakalan salah . If God change it suddenly . and I thought itu yg lagi di lakukan Tuhan sekrang .
everything change suddenly, and I can't predict it before .
everything change suddenly before I prepare all things that I really need .
everything that change suddenly really make me fall down into the deepest earth surface .
I'm down . really down .
all this changing make me down .
I'm not in the mood for doing anything this day !
If I can I would spend my day in my room ! until everything goes better ..

when I saw you, my heart hurt by you ! by your attitude ! by everything that you do !
thnx for everything dude .
I still patient to wait you change to your old .
anyway, thnx for all de memories. for all laugh, jokes, and smile .
I'm still hope you come back .
God Bless You .

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