Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Tugas skul

headline from is:plane slams into homes, marketplace
A plane crashed in the Democratic Replubic of Congo, tearing the roofs off houses and plowing through a densely populated market near the runway. A congolese lawmaker said the crash killed at least 18 people while roughly 66 others -- including five crew members -- survived

from is:family pets new victims of foreclosures the home mortgage crisis is sending more people into foreclosures, many are choosing to leave belongings behind -- including the family pet

from is:anak merokok karena iklan merokok
Ikaln rokok dianggap sebAGai kendala utama dalam pencegahan dampak bahaya rokok terhadap anak-anak

from is:waspadai ekspor gelap beras
INDRAMAYU-Departemen Perdagangan baru saja mengumumkan aturan mengenai ekspor beras. namun,banyak pihak menengarai praktik penyelundupan atau ekspor gelap sudah terjadi sejak Februari 2008

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