Wednesday 9 September 2009


Sbenarnya gw gak ada topik apa2 bwt nulis blog ..
Hahaha ..
Tp stlah baca blog-nya radith ..
Gw jd terinspirasi untuk ngupdate ttg Love ..

Sbenarnya gw gak lg falling in love ..
Tp gak tw knpa gw trdorong ajh untuk nge-post ttg love ..
Hahaha ..

Yeah .. Gw gak ad pnglaman apa2 soal cinta ..
Hahaha ..
But love is kinda difficult to understand ..
It always make people confuse when they thinking of it ..

When you love someone ..
You can't hope that he/she will reply as big as you do .. Because love is giving not receiving ..
And when you love someone and you know that they not love you back ..
Don't angry to them cause it's not their fault ..
And keep loving them as a blessing ..

When you love someone you really want to make them smile ..
Because their smile means everything to you .. :)

So keep make them smile ..
Because their smile make ur life brighter .. :)
GBU ..

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